📲 App of the Month | Neko Atsume 😻

The app all tumblr talks about. Neko Atsume or the kitty collector. Because ❤ cats.

Aplicatia de care vorbeste tot tumblr. Neko Atsume sau colectionarul de pisicute. Pentru ca ❤ pisicile.

neko atsume Loading Screen Screenshot

Loading Screen Screenshot

Do you love cats? Do you want to have cats but can’t? Worry no more. Neko Atsume is here.

Iubesti pisicile? Vrei sa ai pisici si nu poti? Nu-ti face griji. Neko Atsume e aici.

neko atsume Welcome Screen Screenshot

Welcome Screen Screenshot

Neko Atsume is the easy virtual way of having cats in your backyard. All you need to do is have a bowl for them full of yummy kitty food and have kitty approved decoration. Just throw a pillow in a corner and a ball down and they will flock your yard and even stay put to pose for your album.


Neko Atsume este modalitatea usoara si virtuala de a avea pisicute in gradina. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa ai un bol cu mancare delicioasa de pisici si sa ai decoratiuni aprobate de miaunici. Pune o perna intr-un colt si o minge pe jos si vor fi atrase ca albinele de miere; ba chiar vor sta sa fie si pozate pentru albumul tau. 


neko atsume yard screenshot

Screenshot of my yard

You get silver or gold fish for every visit which you can use in the shop.

There are even special kitties which only come if certain conditions are met.


Castigi peste auriu sau argintiu la fiecare vizita pe care poti sa-l folosesti in magazin. 

Exista chiar si pisici speciale care vin numai in anumite conditii.

neko atsume screenshot expansion

Screenshot of my expansion

I love the app because it’s easy to use, you don’t have to buy the premium version as you can get gold fish without it and it’s not time consuming. Just refill the bowls twice a day and you’re done.

Imi place aplicatia pentru ca este usor de folosit, nu trebuie sa cumperi versiunea premium pentru ca poti sa castigi peste auriu si fara ea si nu iti pierde timpul. Doar re-umple castronasele de 2x pe zi si gata.


What did you play this month?

Voi ce v-ati jucat luna asta?

Have a purrrrfect day.



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